Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am Jack's sense of "he'll keep calling me"


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via by on 4/29/09

More recent Ferris Bueller goodness from Metafilter: the Fight Club theory.

My favorite thought-piece about Ferris Bueller is the "Fight Club" theory, in which Ferris Bueller, the person, is just a figment of Cameron's imagination, like Tyler Durden, and Sloane is the girl Cameron secretly loves.

One day while he's lying sick in bed, Cameron lets "Ferris" steal his father's car and take the day off, and as Cameron wanders around the city, all of his interactions with Ferris and Sloane, and all the impossible hijinks, are all just played out in his head. This is part of the reason why the "three" characters can see so much of Chicago in less than one day -- Cameron is alone, just imagining it all.

Whoa. (via cyn-c)

Tags: ferrisbuellersdayoff  fightclub  movies 


Things you can do from here:


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Neighbourhood

Goodbye sweet denim couch! So comfortable, so smushy, so faded...


Sent to you by nigel via Google Reader:


via by Jesse on 4/27/09

The McA's have moved. Their neighbours are okay with it.


Things you can do from here:


Monday, April 20, 2009

Re: Party at McArton's

Some of you may remember the denim couch. After hearing John reminisce about it on Saturday (and realizing that half the stains are from him spilling beer on it), Jesse & I decided the only fair thing was to donate it to them. "White Trash Party" anyone?

Perhaps donating it to the Bad Larrys for Gender Blender would be appropriate?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jesse
Date: Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:48 AM
Subject: Party at McArton's
To: Colleen & John McArton

The only thing better than your favourite pair of jeans is your favourite denim couch!