Saturday, December 17, 2011



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via Family adventures by Pace-James on 12/17/11

This past January Aidan announced that he wanted to take piano lessons.

Excuse me?!?!

I ran to the phone and got him in.  This September Quinn decided he wanted to learn too, so both boys were taking lessons.

Fast forward to today, when both boys played in their first ever piano recital.  Chris and I, the girls, and Brigitte all piled into the library auditorium and waited anxiously for their songs.

Let's start with Quinn.  I was sooo.... nervous for Quinn because I wasn't even sure if he was going to be able to find middle 'C' on a piano he had never played on before.  Clearly there was no need to worry as the little man marched up to the piano, plunked himself down, and knocked his song out of the park.

Then there was Aidan.  We need to first address his wardrobe choices, particularly his Sting toque that he was wearing.  When we got to the auditorium, he took his coat and hat off.  His hair stood straight up!  Yep, he had the worst case of hat head possible.  I made an executive decision and said: "put the hat back on Aidan."  So he did and off he went.

Chris and I were so proud of our little men  Little musicians in the making!!


Things you can do from here:


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